On Board Heated Seat Cushion Interior Thermal Insulation Winter Body Heating

On Board Heated Seat Cushion Interior Thermal Insulation Winter Body Heating


SKU: CJQC1581270 Category:

Product information:

Material: fiber

Style: single piece

Specification: universal for five seats

Type: Winter

Filler: cotton

Color: checkered single seat black, checkered single seat gray, checkered single seat black, striped single seat black, black USB small square mat, black checkered rear row, coffee colored checkered rear row, gray checkered rear row, checkered double seat black, checkered double seat gray, checkered double seat coffee, striped double seat black


Colored checkered rear:126*48cm

Checkered single seat:98*48cm

Checkered double seat:98*48cm*2

Small square mat:45*45cm

Packing list:

Automobile cushion * 1

Weight 0.46 kg
Dimensions 600 × 550 × 10 cm

Black USB small square mat, Black checkered rear row, Checkered double seat black, Checkered double seat coffee, Checkered double seat grey, Checkered single seat black, Checkered single seat coffee, Checkered single seat grey, Coffee colored checkered rear, Grey checkered rear row, Striped double seat black, Striped single seat black

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